Crime is excess

The pleasure drawn from obtaining and using what is ordained by divine law is perfectly acceptable in normal run of events; however in what law permits, crime is excess. In other words, one may be perfectly justified in using what is lawful, but he may not exceed the use of it. The principle involved is laid down in the Holy Verse:
‘’O ye who believe! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah had made lawful for you, but commit no excess: for Allah loveth not those given to excess’’ [Al Ma’idah: 87]
In Al-Quran Muslims are deemed to be the Middle Nation [Ummat’e’Wasta] what a commentator defines as Ummah striking the ‘Golden Mien’ hence excess of any sort, even in what is otherwise lawful may not be committed
‘’Eat of the things which Allah hath provided for you, lawful and good, but fear Allah in Whom ye believe’’ [Al Ma’idah: 88]
As is laid down in the Holy Verse, abstention or asceticism may not be a desirable trait in consuming what is lawful, and what is lawful in divine estimation has to be without a doubt good to sustain us physically and mentally, provided it is consumed within reasonable limits. Renunciation or what is called monasticism may not be desirable, as Islam advises leading a life full of activity for personal and societal benefit. However an exception has been made for Christian monks:
‘Believers wilt thou find those who say, ‘’We are Christians’’: because amongst there are men devoted to learning. And men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant’ [Al Ma’idah: 82]
This make out that there are exceptions to the rule, and such exceptions need to be respected.

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