A rot that kills

The tragic incident that occurred at a premier government hospital in Srinagar some days back must wake us up as conscious citizens. The indirect murder of a new born due to entry restriction sent shock waves across the valley.

Another similar event occurred two years back at the same hospital when a pregnant lady from Kupwara district was denied entry into the hospital by hospital administration which resulted in the birth of a child outside the hospital.


Such episodes are an eye opener for common people as well the government agencies. When we keenly look at these events many questions arise in our mind.

Was it the first time when an employee of the hospital asked for ‘chai and mithayi’ or this illegal and immoral custom is prevailing there for decades. We all know that it is not only this particular hospital, but most of the health centres in our valley are involved in this illegal practice of ‘chai and mithayi’.

In fact, this illegal custom is prevalent in most of the government departments of our valley. But unfortunately this evil has been camouflaged in such a way that no body complains about it.

If somebody tries to complain or protest against this social evil, there is nobody to pay heed. This illegal customs is highlighted only when it results into a tragic situation as has been seen in this case.

Secondly, we need to ponder over whether only the lower grade employees are involved in this ‘chai mithayi culture ‘ of bribery or the higher officials are also involved in this act. Here, we all are aware that higher officials are cognizant of this crime, rather in some cases they have their own share from this ‘chai and mithayi ‘; otherwise no lower grade employee of any department can have the courage to commit this crime.

So punishing or terminating the service of only a lower grade employee can’t help in eradication of this crime. The higher officials should be treated equally responsible for such wrong practices, and should be equally punished by the government authorities.

Government authorities have taken different steps and adopted various strategies during different periods to eradicate this evil from various departments of the valley but they have hardly succeeded in abolishing this ‘chai and mithayi culture’.

Instead this illegal culture is gaining popularity in different government departments, and has turned out to be a black spot on our society; and a question mark on our society.

Unless every government employee, from higher rank to a fourth grade member, involved in this heinous crime, is not strictly punished we can’t make our society free of such illegal practices. There should be a strict scrutinizing system in every government department to check this illegal custom.

Finally, it is pertinent to mention here that a society is a cumulation of its individuals and every individual has his own role in eradicating these social evils from a society to make it a better place for one and all.

So all of us must develop our consciousness and sense of humanity to remain away from these social crimes, so that we can develop our society as an evil free society. Moral education in our institutions can be much successful in obliterating these social evils. Let the good sense prevail everywhere.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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