Our engagement with PAGD for DDC polls only: Cong

Congress on Saturday said its recent meetings with Peoples’ Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) should be “purely seen as an engagement” for the upcoming DDC elections.

The Alliance is a conglomerate of several political parties which have vowed to strive for restoring J&K’s special status. Since the announcement of the elections, several party leaders have attended the Alliance meetings. However, the J&K Congress President, GA Mir insisted that his party decision to join PAGD was entirely for the DDC elections.

“Our engagement for now is for the DDC elections and to develop better coordination among us (Congress and PAGD). It is why these meetings have been taking place,” Mir said.

Mir said Congress has joined “like-minded parties” for seat sharing. He said Congress being a national party has “some issues” with PAGD, though there were “many things common between them.”

He said all those issues will be taken up with the PAGD once meetings of the amalgam takes place. He said currently the focus was on the DDC elections.

He said efforts were on to develop better coordination between Congress and PAGD, so that “vote against BJP’s policies doesn’t get divided”.

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