Driven by Passion

For Jasir Javed Dar, the allure of automobiles was more than just a childhood fascination; it was a burning passion that refused to be extinguished, even as life’s detours temporarily steered him in different directions.

Born and raised in the heart of Srinagar, Dar’s love affair with cars began at a tender age, igniting a fire within him that would ultimately shape his entrepreneurial journey.

From the bustling streets of his hometown, where the roar of engines echoed like a siren’s call, Dar’s eyes would light up at the sight of sleek vehicles gliding by. It was a fascination that transcended mere admiration, as he found himself drawn to the intricate mechanics and the art of automotive design.

While his academic pursuits led him down the path of commerce, with schooling at the prestigious Burn Hall and later, a master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Planning and Management, the siren song of automobiles never faded into the background. Dar embarked on a corporate career, honing his skills in the digital marketing realm for two years, yet his true calling remained elusive.

“My enthusiasm towards cars dates back to school days when all pages of my artwork used to be full of them, sketched by myself,” Dar reminisces. “Even at times, the other boys in the class used to get their sketchbooks to get one done.”

It was a fascination that transcended mere childhood fancy, as Dar recognized early on that his future lay intertwined with the automotive world. “It was something that I realized back then, that I wanted to do something related to automotive down the line in my life,” he admits. However, the road ahead was paved with obstacles, as his aspirations collided with the expectations of his business-oriented family.

“I even asked my father politely if I could make a career choice as an Automotive Designer after passing 12th grade,” Dar recalls, his voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. “Which was reverted with a clear cut NO, since business families are supposed to be like that, and being the elder son, I had to compromise on my passion and stick to what was going around for decades.”

Yet, the embers of Dar’s love for cars refused to be extinguished, smouldering beneath the surface as he navigated the currents of life, biding their time until the opportune moment to reignite the flame that had been ignited in his formative years.

The decision to finally pursue his lifelong passion and venture into the automotive industry was a convergence of factors for Dar. “I always wanted to do something related to this industry sooner or later,” he affirms the yearning that had taken root in his childhood refusing to be ignored any longer. However, it was more than just a personal calling that propelled him forward. With a keen eye for market dynamics, Dar recognized an existing demand that was not being adequately fulfilled in terms of the quality of services offered. “Somehow, being on the consumer side, I felt there was a lot more missing in this industry here,” he explains, his entrepreneurial instincts identifying a gap that he was determined to bridge.

Dar’s foray into the automotive realm was not merely a pursuit of personal ambition but also a response to the needs of a discerning consumer base. By combining his lifelong passion with a strategic understanding of the market, he was poised to introduce a new standard of excellence, one that would elevate the automotive experience in the region to unprecedented heights.

One of the driving forces behind Dar’s decision to enter the automotive industry was his desire to elevate the standards of maintenance services, an area that had long grappled with issues of quality and professionalism. “A good service is the consistency in your operations on a day-to-day basis. That’s what I believe, which I have inherited over the years through my experience,” he asserts. This ethos of unwavering consistency is being implemented at the heart of Ceramic Pro, one of the ventures under the umbrella of PITSTOP AUTO, a one-stop solution for car owners that aims to cover all essential dimensions of the industry with an unprecedented range of services.

Beyond addressing the service quality gap, Dar’s vision encompasses empowering the local youth by providing employment opportunities within a corporate-like setup, fostering an environment of organization and fair compensation. “The entire facility would provide an estimated employment to 25 people in the first year of operations at all levels, which in itself would be an achievement,” he remarks, underscoring the venture’s potential to positively impact the community.

In choosing Ceramic Pro as the foundation for PITSTOP AUTO, Dar was driven by the company’s global reputation as the world’s leading nano-tech coating brand, boasting a presence in over 80 countries. “It’s the only company certified, verified, inspected, and approved by the SGS labs Taiwan in terms of its products’ viability,” he notes.

However, it was the sense of responsibility demonstrated by Nishant Saboo, CEO of Ceramic Pro India, towards customers that truly resonated with Dar. “I was more impressed to see my first call to Ceramic Pro India’s Headquarters landing directly to Nishant Saboo, CEO of Ceramic Pro India, and then came the 1-hour call as if my interview was being taken,” he recalls, recognizing a shared commitment to service excellence that aligned with his own vision.

Dar’s ambition extends far beyond establishing PITSTOP AUTO; it encompasses retaining customers within the state and contributing to the growth of the local economy. “Our greater goal is to retain customers to our state and stop them from venturing out to find the best solution when it comes to automobile maintenance so that we can contribute less or more to help grow the economy of the state,” he affirms, underscoring the venture’s potential to foster a self-sustaining automotive ecosystem within the J&K.

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