Ramban youth demand jobs, accuse govt of ignoring them

Unemployed youth from district Ramban on Saturday alleged that PDP-BJP government has failed to protect the interests of unemployed and skilled youth.

They alleged that on one hand the state government has no solid and concrete employment generating plan and policy for the educated and skilled unemployed youths and on the other hand government has failed to get then absorbed in contractor companies engaged in laying Railway track from Banihal to Katra, Hydroelectric Projects BHEP Chanderkote, Sawalakote including project of developing Jammu Srinagar-Jammu highway from Nowgam Banihal to Nashri in Ramban district.


They alleged that contractor companies are providing jobs to the kith and kin of local politicians to keep them in good humor whereas unemployed youth are being ignored by them.

They said, ” We are feeling cheated and deprived as no one is coming forward to help us.” 

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