How ambulance drivers navigate traffic jams, dilapidated roads to save lives in Srinagar


Srinagar, Aug 25: Amid massive traffic jams triggered by the slow pace of Smart City works, ambulances drivers face many challenges to shift critical patients to hospitals in city.

“I have seen patients die because we couldn’t get to them to hospitals in time due to traffic jams and dilapidated roads,” laments Muzamil Mohi-u-Din, an ambulance driver, in an emotional tone.


“Imagine watching someone you love slip away and we are helpless to stop it.” Most of the ambulance drivers face this situation frequently. Mohi-u-Din, who is a seasoned ambulance driver paints a disturbing picture.

“Ambulances are often stuck in traffic and we are helpless to save lives as precious minutes tick away.  The anguish of watching a patient slip away due to delays beyond our control is a burden we cannot bear.  We have seen it all from cardiac arrests to traumatic injuries every second counts,” he said.

Irfan, another ambulance driver echoes the same sentiment. “We navigate through treacherous roads only to be met with indifference and hostility from commuters. The misconception that an empty ambulance is not an emergency vehicle is a deadly mistake. We are the guardians of life racing against time to save those on the brink of death but people don’t realise that.”

Adil Bashir Khan, a fellow driver underscores the urgency saying “every minute counts when a patient’s life hangs in the balance.” The golden hour that critical window of opportunity slips away as we inch through traffic jams. The consequences are dire and the losses irreparable. We have lost count of how many lives could have been saved if only we had a clear path,” he rues.

Another driver exasperated by the disregard for protocols. “We are supposed to board only two to three attendants with a patient but people refuse to listen. They abuse us and overload the ambulance and put everyone’s life at risk. Our vehicles are equipped with delicate machinery and ventilators which can be damaged due to overloading. It’s a ticking time bomb waiting to unleash a disaster,” he said.

The drivers’ pleas fall on deaf ears as the public remains oblivious to the dangers of delaying ambulances. The consequences are far-reaching with lives lost and families shattered. The drivers too bear the emotional scars of their experiences haunted by the memories of lives they couldn’t save

SSP Traffic (Srinagar) Muzafar Ahmad Shah offers a beacon of hope. “As guardians of the traffic flow, we prioritise emergency services. When informed of an emergency, we will clear the path ensuring a swift and safe passage for ambulances. We urge the public to cooperate and make way for these life-saving vehicles,” the SSP said.

“Let’s work together to make a difference. We can create a safer and more caring community by understanding the challenges ambulance drivers face and supporting their life-saving work. By doing so we can protect the lives of our loved ones and show appreciation for the heroes who risk everything to save them,” he added.





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