Pause between Life and Death

A dear teacher-cum-colleague survived after being in coma and on ventilator support for almost six months. For many of us at varsity, it was a blissful miracle to welcome him back. It was literally a courageous comeback. Being a creative deep-thinker, he often recollects his near-death experiences, the shrouded reality of existence, and the transition between life and death. Something that remains one of the most mind-blowing and incredible experiences.

While we often perceive death as the end of everything, the emerging scientific research suggests that it may mark the beginning of something new—a journey masked in mystery and possibility.


At the forefront of this extensive scientific exploration is the term known as Recalled Death Phenomenon that sheds light on the delicate and unpredictable pause between life and the great unknown.

Recalled Death Phenomenon refers to the vivid memories and experiences reported by individuals who have come close to death or have been revived from near-death experiences. These accounts offer glimpses into a territory where consciousness transcends the boundaries of the physical body, providing a reflective insight into the nature of existence itself.

In a groundbreaking study led by Sam Parnia, a British Associate Professor and Director of the Human Consciousness Project at the University of Southampton, survivors of cardiac arrest shared their astonishing experiences. They reported having “unique lucid experiences, including a perception of separation from the body, observing events without pain or distress, and a meaningful evaluation of life, including of their actions, intentions and thoughts toward others”. The researchers validated these experiences of death unlike hallucinations, delusions or illusions. These encounters were categorized into four distinct types, each offering a unique perspective on the transition between life and death.

The first type of experience involves recalled experiences of death, where survivors recount encounters with deceased loved ones or spiritual beings urging them to return to the dominion of the living. One of the survivors in the study responded, “I thought I heard my grandma (who had passed) saying ‘you need to go back’”. These encounters were often found to leave a lasting impact, challenging conventional notions of mortality and prompting insightful introspection.

Another type of experience occurs during the emergence from coma induced by cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or CPR-induced consciousness. The survivors described vivid memories of medical interventions, such as the application of electrodes or the sensation of receiving a shock, as they transition back to consciousness.

After comeback to the world, survivors reported their emerging from coma to the sound of familiar voices, often those of loved ones urging them to get awake like, “I heard my spouse saying my name and my son saying ‘mom.’” These deeply moving moments serve as a fact to the power of human connection, going beyond the boundaries between life and death.

Moreover, dreams and dream-like experiences play a significant role in the Recalled Death Phenomenon, offering glimpses into a surreal and ethereal domain. Survivors described sensations of being held or guided by unseen forces, surrounded by darkness yet enveloped in an intense sense of peace. These accounts depict surreal and often disturbing encounters with imaginary beings or entities, challenging the boundaries between reality and the subconscious mind.

These experiences paint a complex and multifaceted picture of the transition between life and death. They challenge our understanding of consciousness, urging us to reconsider the nature of existence and the mysteries that lie beyond the threshold of mortality.

As we continue to discover the mysteries of the Recalled Death Phenomenon, it is essential to approach these accounts with an open mind and a sense of veneration for the inescapable journey that awaits us all. In the delicate pause between life and death, we are reminded of the boundless potential of the human spirit and the eternal quest for meaning in the face of the unknown.

Life, as we know it, extends far beyond the boundaries of our mortal existence. It is but a fleeting moment along the continuum of existence—a delicate thread that connects us to the vast indefinite. While the finality of death may mark the end of this earthly journey, it also serves as the threshold to an entirely new and uncharted territory–

Maut Ko Samjhay Hain Ghafil Ikhtetaam-e-Zindagi,

Hai Ye Shaam-e-Zindagi, Subha Dawaam-e-Zindagi…

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