Increasing road accidents

There is a drastic increase in road accidents in Jammu and Kashmir leading to loss of precious lives. The road mishaps are mostly occurring due to violation of road safety rules. Sometimes the bad condition of roads is also a cause of such mishaps.

The number of vehicles is getting added on the roads with every passing day. The more the vehicles on roads, the more violations and more accidents. Following the rules is very imperative to avoid or reduce the accidents. The traffic police department is strictly making the drivers to follow the rules. But the man-power of the department needs to be strengthened further in view of the increasing challenges on the roads.


Simultaneously, traffic rule awareness campaigns should be launched. These programmes must be consistently conducted. Awareness programme must be held in the city, towns and villages. Such campaigns must be also held in educational and professional institutions. There is a need to involve more and more youth into such programmes. The drivers should be discouraged from over-speeding, driving from wrong side, and unsafe overtaking. Those riding two wheelers must have the helmets.

It has been noticed that vast majority of those on motorcycles or scooters is without helmets. In case of an accident, they sometimes get head injuries, which prove fatal. The importance of adherence to traffic rules must be stressed at the home. In that case when any member of a family goes out for driving a vehicles or riding a two wheeler, he or she stays safe. Not only will he or she remain safe but will also keep others on the roads safe. The pedestrians must also cross the roads safely.

There is also a need to make functional the zebra crossings on the roads so that the pedestrians move safely. The pedestrians face lot of difficulties in crossing the road on busy junctions. Children, women and the elderly persons have to take extra caution while doing so. Despite the urgent need to have such facility, not providing it here seems strange. The concerned officials must think about it and take steps so that the pedestrians are not put to any inconvenience and risk

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