When love meets satire

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Now that we are in a world where God is not one, genders are not two and tenses are not three, the realization that we are navigating through a comedic chaos in the name of “new age love” shouldn’t surprise us. Entangled in a web of modern charm, we seem swirling in the whirlwind of romantic absurdity. Don’t we? We, the Tech-Gen lovers resonate with those sailors who navigate the treacherous waters of romance, dodge relationship landmines while still maintaining their sanity. We are the restless participants in a strangely exhilarating circus where “old-school love” holds big reverence but small relevance. Let us try exploring this aaj kal kaa #couple culture bit by bit.

Throughout history, the concept of romantic relationships has undergone significant transformations. From arranged marriages/courtly love to modern dating, societal norms have continually shaped how individuals transcend through the realm of romance. Today, the idea of pre-marital relationships is as much a prevalent framework as it is a tumultuous landscape with bumps and brakes, turns and tangents, curves and curls.


In the current era, one of the most prominent aspects of relationships is the concept of exclusivity. Once considered the hallmark of a serious relationship, it often comes with a multitude of complexities now. With a drastic rise in hookup culture and casual dating, what constitutes as being “official” remains ambiguous. To add more to it, the endless pool of potential partners offered by dating apps allows exploration with unprecedented ease. Sometimes, meaningful connections develop but the concerns about commitment and fidelity stay. The dilemma lies is the temptation to continue swiping and swiping more.

Romantic exchanges (read courtships) have become a twisted phenomenon over the years; feeling more like sitcom scripts than genuine connections between two people. The lovey-dovey meadow of mystery is littered with hashtags, tropes and phrases. Whether the cringe-worthy public displays of affection or the meticulously curated couple photoshoots, it feels as if we are living in a never-ending rom-com, orchestrated by a team of writers high on caffeine and clichés. Take, for example, the infamous “relationship goals” hashtag. What is it? A couple striving to emulate the picture-perfect moments. Who knows that behind every #couplegoals post lies a carefully crafted facade, hiding the messy realities of life. Let us face it. Virtual is a veil. Reel is no real.

One weird side of relationships emerges in the excessively cheesy and overly cutesy nicknames. The curious cases of couple cognomens venture into the territory of eccentricity and awkwardness. These saccharine-sweet monikers are ridiculously funny. From “baby” to “doughnut” to the downright absurd “snuggle muffin”, such pet names often feel unsuitable for a grown-up relationship. Sugary words can detract the authenticity of a connection. Are these words so unavoidable in the book of love? Might sound endearing at times but often make feelings look like a caricature than a bond. Yet these serve as a reminder that love can be both adorable and utterly silly.

One more perplexity of this classroom lies in the unspoken rulebook that governs every aspect of it. From the three-day texting rule to the obligatory anniversary celebrations, it is a platform where it feels actors are acting in poorly written daily soaps, desperately trying to stick to the script. Who decided that forgetting one’s anniversary was a cardinal sin worthy of a breakup, anyway?

Who can forget the minefield i.e. social media etiquettes in the age of curated comments-on-posts and smooth slides-in-DMs. One wrong like or comment can generate a wrong signal leading to a cascade of misunderstandings worthy of a Shakespearean comedy. It is a world where subtweets and Instagram stories serve as battlegrounds for passive-aggressive warfare, where every emoji carries the weight of a thousand unsaid words. Deciphering cryptic texts and decoding meanings behind snapchat streaks are a task. It is a dimension where the rules are as elusive as the partner’s 2 am tantrums.

Ah! The lovely headaches (read daunting tasks) of picking up correct words and choosing applicable sentences during the “semi-slept” conversations in the dead of the night. One wrong joke or one misplaced comment sends one plummeting into the abyss of exile faster than one can say “I swear, I didn’t mean it that way!”

What follows soon or sooner are “breakups”- the bitter pills swallowed after the sweet romance. These are big cracks in the facade of picture-perfect relationships; the harsh reality check that shatters illusions of eternal bliss. Each heartbreak is a unique symphony of pain, orchestrated by the discordant notes of betrayal, disappointment, and loss. It is the feeling of choking and collapsing, wounding and wilting. The puzzling pain preaches “Pinky promises of forever are as delusional as the idea of forever itself.”

Yet, amidst the wreckage of shattered dreams, there lies a profound opportunity for growth and self-discovery. What do these heartbreaks do? Force us to confront our vulnerabilities. Help us peel back the layers of our identities. Let us confront the rawness of our emotions.  Wounds heal but scars remain to serve as a testament to our resilience. For in the ashes of a broken heart, new beginnings await.

Amid the comedy and chaos of it, despite the absurdity of it, there is a hint of “trying to make it” by the two. Beneath the layers of satire and sarcasm is a flicker of an “effort”; two imperfect souls trying to make sense of it all. So, here’s to the ones who can embrace the hilarity of their performances in this serious-not-so-serious show.


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