Is Anybody Listening? | Contaminated water supply to Shopian village

We the residents of Shahlatoo-Meemander village in Shopianhave been getting contaminated water supply for the past few weeks. Withsuspended particles the water is unhygienic extremely and poses a greater riskto the lives of people.

We have repeatedly written to the PHE authorities regardingthe issue but they continue to a deaf ear to our complaints. We once again urgethe authorities to address our genuine demand at earliest.


Residents through Malik Salman

Remove cow dung from roadsides in Dooniwari

Heaps of cow dung continues to lie on roadsides in Dooniwarivillage of Tehsil Chadoora. Despite taking up the matter with the authoritiesconcerned there has been no end to the problem which is now proving to be amajor health hazard. The foul smell emanating from the cow dung is forcingpeople to keep the windows and doors shut all the time. In rainy season the cowdung seeps into the nearby stream and pollutes the water source, which is themain water source for irrigation purpose. Most of the people from the localityalso throw garbage into the stream thus choking its flow. The stream has alsobeen encroached at several places. We appealed the authorities concerned tolook into these issues.

Residents of Doonawari

Kangan residents demand installation of transformer

We the residents of Wussan, Preng, Chinar, Chahtergul andother areas of sub division Kangan in Ganderbal district are having a toughtime due to frequent power cuts.

Our localities are fed power from receiving station Chinar.The receiving station also feeds Goripora, Kachnambal, Prang, Kijpora, Chakiprang, Lari, Gujarpati ,Gundi Ari and MaengamWussan.

To overcome the problem of overloading and unscheduled powercuts, a new transformer was to be installed in the receiving station.Ironically, the transformer is gathering dust in the premises of the receivingstation for last three months.  As aresult we are still reeling under unscheduled power cuts. We request thedistrict administration Ganderbal and concerned PDD authorities to look intothe issue


Shortage of water in Magam village

We the residents of Gumbora village in Magam are facingacute shortage of drinking water. In the past 48 hours, we have received thesupply for just two hours. We invite the attention of the authorities concernedtowards our problem and hope the issue would be resolved at earliest. A longterm solution to this problem can be construction of a new water reservoir inthe area.

Abdul Rashid from Gumbora

Pather Masjid area without water supply

We are facing acute shortage of water in our locality atPather Masjid, Srinagar. Our taps are running dry for long time despite thefact we pay our water tariff on time.

We make a fervent appeal to chief engineer PHE to look intothe matter and get the issue resolved as soon as possible.

Shamiq Parvaiz on behalf of residents

Abandoned dilapidated house safe haven for stray dogs

Abandoned dilapidated house at Sarai SafaKadal nearDarishKadal has become safe haven for stray dogs. The dilapidated structure cancollapse anytime and endanger lives of pedestrians. We appeal SMC authoritiesto look into the matter and take necessary action.

Aijaz Ahmad Khan, Sarai Safa Kadal Darish Kadal

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