Friday Focus|Deliverance from Pharaohnic order

Beni Israel or the children of Israel are often addressed inHoly Quran for their transgression of divine norms, in spite of the deliverancefrom the harsh order of Pharaoh:

And remember, We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh:They set you hard tasks and punishments, slaughtered your sons and let yourwomen-folk live; therein was a tremendous trial from your Lord (2:49) 


In the Egypt of Pharaohs’ the Israelitis of Hebrew stock were settled by Joseph/Hazrat Yousuf (A.S) during his stewardship of Egypt. The Prophet was the ruler: Aziz-e-Misr.

The Hebrew were his own people. The Israelite denomination was taken from Israel, which was another attribute of Jacob/Hazrat Yaqub (A.S) father of Hazrat Yousuf (A.S) son of Issac/Hazrat Ishaq (A.S) and grandson of Abraham/Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). 

The Israelites had fallen on bad days due to famine in native Cannan. In seeking relief from Egypt, they hardly knew that Hazrat Yousuf (A.S) is the ruler. By a devious design, his step brothers had propagated him as lost, while they were on an excursion.

In fact, he had been drowned in a well, wherefrom people in a carvan for  trading in Egypt rescued him. His handsomness knew no bounds. He was sold to the higest bidder—Aziz-e-Misr. In a sequence of divinely designed events, he became the ruler.  

Hazrat Yousuf (A.S) recognized his kith and kin. He not only provided relief, but made provision to settle them in Egypt. It is said that more or less 400 years later, they multiplied in numbers to the extent, where Egyptians feared, they might be outnumbered in demographic count.

Hence they were treated harshly in the Pharaohnic order, and reduced to slavery. Their expertise in architecture and construction was used to raise pyramids (Al-Ahram).

Adding to woes of Israelites, a word was spread that an Israelite son would spell danger for Pharaoh. Hence, sons were slaughtered and women-folk allowed living.

As per the divine design, Moses/Hazrat Musa (A.S) an Israelite not only escaped the harsh order, but was brought-up and bred in palace of Pharaohs’. Eventually he led the exodus of Israelites, an escape from the tyranny of Pharaohs’ an event, which is recorded in the Holy Verse quoted above.

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