Article 370 essential until J&K’s final resolution: Farooq

National Conference president and Member of Parliament Dr Farooq Abdullah on Saturday said annulling Articles 370 and 35-A will tantamount to a constitutional coup.

Addressing a workers convention here in north Kashmir DrFarooq said, “Article 370 is essential and unassailable until the finalresolution of the state is reached to.”

He said, “Powers in New Delhi are frightened of NationalConference. The very thought of NC coming back to power sends jitters throughthem. They are well aware of the fact that until NC remains in the State itwill painstakingly protect the interests of the state. They are frightened ofus.  Anxious and unnerved, New Delhi hasemployed various henchmen in the state to thwart the efforts of NC towardsprotecting the special status of our state,” he said.

The NC president while underscoring the need of rallyinground the flag of the party said, “Today we see some parties coming up in everyalley of Kashmir. You all have to remain very cautious about their nefariousdesigns. They are the agents and second in-command of New Delhi in the state.Their sole mission is to frustrate the efforts aimed at protecting theinterests of the state.  At present wesee them tricking people through high-sounding statements. You all shouldremain cautious about their trickery. They are here to add colors to thenefarious designs of those forces as are inimical to our special status. Ifthey have had a speck of concern for the interests of the state, they wouldhave assisted National Conference in its efforts to protect the specialconstitutional position of the state. However, they cannot. They are here toserve the interests of New Delhi only and not the state.”

The NC president said, “Not even a single day passes, whenwe don’t hear our enemies cry about the temporality of the Art 370. Yes, theArt was deemed to be temporary unless the issue of the state was not resolved.However, the issue is still lingering around; therefore the Article 370 willcontinue to remain around. The accession of the state took place in unusualcircumstances. The Maharaja who was rather vacillating then did not want toaccede to any of the two dominions. He wanted the erstwhile state to remainfree.  However that didn’t happen, he hadto make a choice in extra ordinary circumstances. Keeping in view the specialcircumstances, Article 370 was added to the constitution of India. The Art willremain as it is until the final resolution of the issue of Jammu and Kashmir isnot reached to. That resolution hasn’t been reached yet. So until the issue issolved, no power on earth can touch the Article 370. The uneducated rants ofthose who want to obliterate Art 370 are far-fetched, fanciful and devoid ofany genuineness,” he said adding, “We are fighting for our rights. Our struggleis based on principles. We are seeking our rights. It is people of the statefrom whom we draw our energy, and we will continue with our mission.”

Referring to Art 35-A Dr Farooq said that the Art 35-A was the fall out of the Art 370 andfiddling with it will upset all the successive amendments to the presidentialof 1954. “If Art 35-A is annulled, then all the successive presidential orderswill get annulled automatically. It was the then Maharaja who gave the statesubject rights to the people of state in 1927,” he said adding, “it is theprime duty of the NC workers, functionaries to apprise the people living intowns and villages about the impending threats on our special position.  The need of the hour calls for making peoplealert about the consequences of repealing Art 370, Art 35-A.”

While highlighting the “supreme sacrifices” of the partyworkers, he said, “Our worker is the back bone of our party. It is the sheerresolve of our workers that keeps us going. I remember how one of our bravehearts, GhulamRasool Sahib laid his live for the ideals of the party. I payearnest tributes to him. Our state is facing onslaught on its interests fromall sides, the need of the hour calls for forging unity. We all have to uniteour efforts to protect the special position of our state.”   

Among others Haji Ali Muhammad Sagar, Muhammad Akbar lone,HasnainMasoodi, Nasir AslamWani, Muhammad RamzanChoudhary, Mir Saifullah, QaisarJamsheedlone, ShariefUd Din Shariq, Farooq Shah, G R Naz, ShafkatWatali, Salam Ud DinBajad, Rafiq Shah addressed the workers and impressed upon them to increasetheir engagement with the people.

Earlier the NC president visited the Darbar e Aliya Yonisiya,Awoora, Kupwara following the three day annual urs observance. He paidobeisance at the shrine.

Later a party convention was organised at Langate which waspresided by General Secretary Haji Ali Muhammad Sagar. He stressed on workersto take party programme to every section of the society. Party ProvincialPresident Nasir AslamWani, party functionaries also present.

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