Back-breaking roads cry for attention

Several important road links across Kashmir requiring immediate repair, are giving tough time to the commuters as well as damaging the vehicles.

The condition of city roads is by no means good in comparison to district roads. A major road link – Dr. Ali Jan Road— which connects two tertiary healthcare institutions of Kashmir – SMHS and SKIMS is in bad shape.

“With no repair work done, the road is turning from bad to worse for commuting. It is back-breaking; one can imagine the plight of a patient ferried on this road,” exclaimed Ajaz Ahmad, a commuter.

“Due to heavy snowfall, roads in several parts of Srinagar and other districts of Kashmir have developed potholes which are causing lots of problems to the commuters and drivers,” president, Kashmir Young Entrepreneurs’ Forum, Babar Chowdhary said.

Chowdhary believes that bad roads give a bad impression to the tourists, besides causing business losses.

Speaking to Greater Kashmir, Chief Engineer, Roads and Buildings department Kashmir, Showkat Ahmad said due to heavy snowfall roads at some places have been damaged. “We have started patch work already, however for macadamization we have to wait till the weather improves and mercury rises considerably.”

He said that the department has already sent a detailed proposal for carrying out the black-topping of roads in Kashmir division.

The central government in the recent budget for J&K allocated Rs 4,089 crore for road and bridges sector, which is Rs.467 crore more than the previous year’s budget allocation.

The government has provided Rs.100 crore and further Rs.150 crore is being provided in 2021-22 for ensuring pothole free roads across J&K.

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