Ladakhi women demand reservation in LAHDCs

The Ladakhi women Friday demanded political reservation for the womenfolk in Ladakh Autonomous Hills Development Councils (LAHDCs) and condemned the male leadership of Ladakh for ignoring their demands.

The demand was made during an International Women’s Day function in which leaders of the women’s wings of prominent socio-religious organisations of Ladakh including the Ladakh Buddhist Association, Anjuman-e-Imamia, and Anjuman Moin-ul-Islam participated.

During the programme, a special session on ‘Political representation of women in Ladakh’ was held wherein they demanded reservations for women in the LAHDCs.

Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA) women’s representative Kunzes Dolma said, “Women wings of socio-religious organisations of Ladakh recently approached the Ministry of Home Affairs and put forth their demand of 33 percent seat reservation in LAHDCs. We are hopeful that it will be implemented soon.”

Anjuman-e-Moin-ul-Islam Women’s Wing President Aisha Malo said, “Ladakhi women should come at the forefront and raise their demand as the existing male leadership failed to put forth the demand of 33 percent reservation of seats for women in LAHDC at any platform.”

Anjuman Imamia Leh President Nasreen Maryam said, “In Leh, women voters outnumber male voters and those who are in power should remember that they were elected due to the votes of women.”

The other speakers urged the parents and the society to not only educate the girl child but also encourage their active participation in politics.

Notably, there has been almost no political representation of women in Ladakh and, presently, there is only one female member (nominated) in LAHDC, Leh.

The speakers criticised the male leaders of civil society organisations and political parties for ignoring their demands and working to protect their positions and interests.

The Apex Body Leh (ABL) and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) recently submitted a memorandum of demands to the Centre which made no mention of women-related issues, including reservation of seats in the councils.

The ABL and KDA had not included any women representatives in the High Powered Committee formed to negotiate with the Centre.

Meanwhile, a source privy to the developments said that the government was seriously considering the demands of Ladakhi women and planning to implement reservation for women in the councils on lines of reservation in local bodies of other states.

Notably, other states have already reserved 50 percent of seats in local bodies for women.

If all goes well, a similar provision is likely to be introduced in Ladakh soon.

The speakers also demanded equal rights for women regarding the inheritance of property.

Notably, women leaders have been alleging that Buddhist women face discrimination as they do not have the right to succession.

In 2020, LBA’s women’s wing drafted the Ladakh Buddhist Succession Amendment Bills which is still pending consideration.

The speakers also emphasised bringing structural changes in society and overcoming cultural challenges.

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