Want to know status of any case under investigation?

Next time you want to get the status of any complaint registered with the J&K police, just log onto the new website of J&K police.

This website, www.kashmirpolice.jk.gov.in – was launched byJ&K Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbagh Singh at a function here onSaturday.

The website will have all the information about status ofall the cases, ranging from theft to drug abuse and other crimes. There arealso features on the website that allow easy access of information to commonpeople on range of subjects.

“All the Important information people want to have will beavailable on the website,” the DGP told reporters after launching the website.

The website, he said, was an initiative by J&K Police toprovide updates to people about policing related activities, by incorporatingadvanced level of technology for better and effective communication.

He said that information related to people–police programswill also be available on the site. “We carry out people friendly activities ondaily basis across Kashmir and we want to strengthen that, “he said, adding thepeople now onwards will get firsthand information in case there is any accidentor any development in their area.

The website will have the numbers of the officials concernedand provide an insight on various policing related activities.

The DGP Singh that history of Kashmir Police andhistorically significant photographs of J&K police have also been updatedon the website. “It will be regularly updated,” he said adding activitiesincluding Police-Community Partnership, group meetings, youth engagementprogrammes and successful investigation of cases will also be updated on thesite.

The state police chief said that information regardingsuccesses achieved by police in NDPS cases will also be updated on the site.”Even involvement of people in drug abuse cases, on gender basis, has also beenupdated on it,” he said, adding the list of absconders and persons reportedmissing from Kashmir can also be accessed from the website.

“There is separate section highlighting the role andachievements of Police Drug De-addiction Center as well,” he said.

The website, he said, also hosts basic information aboutFIRs, procedure for registration of FIR and statistics pertaining toprosecution of criminal cases.

“There is also a library section which carries informationabout various laws implemented by police during the course of their duties,” hesaid adding that citizens can file their grievances through this portal and theprogress on redressal of their grievances will be communicated to them.

Information about Crime and Criminal Tracking Network &Systems (CCTNS) will also be updated on the website, he said. “It is in publicinterest to augment the efforts made by police for quick dissemination andsharing of work done by police.”

Inspector General of Police, Swayam Prakash Pani said thatwebsite was primarily for people of the Valley. “We are hopeful that publicwill obtain insight on various policing related activities from the website,”he said. “This is an effort to reach out to the community.”

The SSP Srinagar Haseeb Mughal was present during thefunction

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