3 doctors, several paramedics test positive at GMC Baramulla

Baramulla: At least three doctors and several paramedics at Government Medical College and Associated Hospital (GMC&AH), Baramulla have contracted the COVID-19 virus during the past few dates.

Among the affected doctors include two assistant professors.

An official of the GMC&AH Baramulla said that one of the doctors who had tested positive had been admitted to the hospital after he experienced low-saturation levels.

Several family members of these affected doctors too had contracted the virus and are being closely monitored by the health authorities.

A week back, the Orthopedic Department of the GMC&AH was closed for at least a week after four of its technicians tested positive for the virus.

Talking to Greater Kashmir, Medical Superintendent GMC&AH, Baramulla, Dr Javed Iqbal said, “The affected doctors might have contracted virus while examining the patients at the hospital.”

Appealing people to adhere to the government-announced SOPs, he said that the containment of the virus depended upon the people’s pledge to fight the virus by adhering to SOPs.

“The virus is spreading fast. People are requested to use masks before visiting a hospital. Maintaining distance and using masks is in favour of common people. We all need to follow SOPs otherwise virus will inflict huge damage,” Dr Iqbal said.

The Baramulla district is witnessing a surge in COVID-19 positive cases for the last two weeks.

As per the health authorities, Baramulla district has the second-highest positive cases after Srinagar district.

They said that there are 324 active COVID-19 positive cases in Baramulla, which is second highest after Srinagar district.

The Baramulla administration has so far designated 21 areas as micro containment zones.

Following declaring these areas as containment zones, authorities had announced complete restrictions across the containment zones.

The restrictions include complete lockdown and tight perimeter control except for essential needs. Besides, the movement of the people in and out in the containment zones had been completely barred.

The authorities also made testing and vaccination mandatory for the residents of the containment zones and those who do not follow the order would invite action including lodging of FIR under the relevant provision of the Disaster Management Act.

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