Ask the doctor

Is there a link between cholesterol and heart disease?

Studies suggest a strong link between heart diseases associated with high levels of bad cholesterol, LDL.

How can I lower my cholesterol?

Avoiding fatty meats, choosing low-fat or nonfat dairy products, and avoiding butter and margarine play a major role in helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Encouraging a diet high in fibre, particularly soluble fibre can lower cholesterol levels significantly.

If my cholesterol is normal, what are the other risk factors for heart disease?

Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs

Abdominal obesity, meaning your waist is more than 40 inches for men or 34 inches for women

Blood pressure over 130/85

Triglycerides over 150

HDL less than 50 in a woman or less than 40 in a man

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels

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