Drug de-addiction week concludes at Baramulla

The drug de-addiction week concluded here in north Kashmir on Sunday.

The District Development Commissioner Baramulla G N Itoopresided over valedictory function held at St Joseph Higher Secondary schoolBaramulla. SSP Baramulla, members of school management, senior citizens,representatives of various NGOs and students attended the programme.

The speakers on the occasion deliberated on the ill effectsof drug abuse and highlighted the need of taking preventive measures toeradicate the menace of drugs and other social evils in the district.

Expressing satisfaction over the success of the campaign,the DDC Itoo said that a number of programmes including seminars, rallies,painting competitions, skits and other variety programmes were carried acrossthe district during the week long campaign. He said that these programmes wereorganised at various schools, public places and other institutions. “Al theseprogrammes were witnessed by thousands of people which is a good sign,” the DDCsaid. The drug de-addiction week was formallyinaugurated by the DDC on 29 April when he flagged-off a big rally from DCoffice Baramulla. 

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