Patients suffer in absence of ENT doctors at SDH Kupwara

Kupwara, Mar 24: The DNB-accredited Sub District Hospital Kupwara has been functioning without ENT doctors putting locals into a lot of hardships.

The residents said that with the non-availability of an ENT doctor at SDH Kupwara, they were suffering a lot. They said that either they have to visit District Hospital Handwara or take private consultations with regard to ENT-related problems.

The residents said that they were happy over DNB accreditation to SDH Kupwara and believed that authorities would depute ENT doctors here. They said that even the issue was taken up with the concerned authorities numerous times but to no avail.

“Sub District Hospital (SDH) Kupwara caters to thousands of people who have been left at the mercy of private practicing doctors. Even SDH Kupwara remains the first choice for patients from border areas including Karnah, Machil, Keran, Budnamal, Jumgand, Kumkadi, and others. But due to the lack of ENT doctors here, they suffer a lot,” Irfan Malik, a civil society member from Main Town Kupwara told Greater Kashmir.

“Similarly the hospital lacks Consultant Psychiatrist which also tells upon healthcare at the hospital. At present a Psychiatrist doctor from District Hospital Handwara visits SDH Kupwara two days a week but that does not suffice the need,” he added.

A doctor posted at SDH Kupwara said that since five posts of medical officers were vacant here, authorities without going for creation of ENT posts can depute doctors against the available vacant posts.

Medical Superintendent SDH Kupwara Dr Abdul Gani Dar told Greater Kashmir that he has taken up the issue with Director Health Services Kashmir. “I am hopeful that a post of ENT would be created following which a doctor would be deputed here,” he said.

He acknowledged the hardships being faced by the common masses in absence of an ENT doctor.

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