Modi seeking votes in name of fake nationalism: Kejriwal

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Thursday accused PrimeMinister Narendra Modi of seeking votes in name of “fake nationalism”and said he has done nothing in the last five years except “jumlebaazi”,foreign tours and lectures.

In response to Modi’s comments that Delhi government brought”nakampanthi” (non-performance) model of governance, Kejriwal said hisparty has addressed issues related to education, health, electricity and waterand asked “what have you done”.

In a tweet, Kejriwal charged, “Modi has done nothing in thelast five years except jumlebaazi, foreign tours and lectures and that is thereason he is seeking votes in make of fake nationalism”.

Kejriwal said “the people of Delhi have sought answers ofthree questions from you for which you had no answers”.

The Aam Aadmi Party chief on Wednesday sought answer tothree questions from Modi: “Why didn’t the BJP pass an ordinance and stopsealing in Delhi? In 2014, PM Narendra Modi promised full statehood for Delhi.Why did the BJP not grant full statehood? Why is Imran Khan endorsing NarendraModi?”

In the tweet, Kejriwal tagged Modi’s tweet in which he saidDelhi government brought in “nakampanthi” (non-performance) model ofgovernance. 

Modi Wednesday launched a blistering attack on the AAP inhis first rally in the national capital, accusing the Arvind Kejriwal-ledgovernment of supporting the “tukde-tukde gang” and bringing in”nakampanthi” (non-performance) model of governance. 

He said there are four models — ‘naampanthi’ (dynasticpolitics), ‘vaampanthi’ (left politics) and dam and ‘damanpanthi’ (hooliganism)and ‘vikaspanth’ (those who believe in development).

“But Delhi is the only state where we learnt aboutthe fifth model. Delhi has seen ‘nakampanthi’ (non-performance) whichcreated anarchy and betrayed the people of the country,” Modi said.

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