Is anybody listening ?

Contaminated drinking water

We the residents of HamdaniyaColony Bemina have been receiving contaminated drinking water supply for thepast many months. The water is muddy and not fit for drinking. We appeal ChiefEngineer PHE to look into the matter and direct officials concerned to takemeasures for supplying us treated water.  


Abrar Hyderi

Hamdaniya Colony Bemina

Khanyar residents decry unscheduled power cuts

Weare facing immense problems due unscheduled power cuts at our locality AquimirKhanyar. We make a fervent appeal to Chief Engineer PDD to look into the matterand direct the concerned authorities to strictly adhere to notified powerschedule on feeder number 7. 

Residents of Aquilmir Khanyar through Mushtaq Ahmad

Kangan residents demand installation of transformer

Wethe residents of Wussan, Preng, Chinar, Chahtergul and other areas of subdivision Kangan in Ganderbal district are having a tough time due to frequentpower cuts.

Our localities are fed power from receiving station Chinar.The receiving station also feeds Goripora, Kachnambal, Prang, Kijpora, Chakiprang, Lari, Gujarpati , Gundi Ari and Maengam Wussan.

To overcome the problem of overloading and unscheduled powercuts, a new transformer was to be installed in the receiving station.Ironically, the transformer is gathering dust in the premises of the receivingstation for last three months. As a result we are still reeling underunscheduled power cuts. We request the district administration Ganderbal andPDD authorities to look into the issue.

Residents through Irfan Naqshbandi

Post medicos at PHC Kurhama

We the residents of Kurhama and its adjacent villages wantto bring it into the notice of authorities that the Primary Health CentreKurhama is without adequate staff.

Inhabitants of Zazuna, Badampora, Yangoora, Kondabal,Barsoo,Wandhama, Malpora, Shalpora, Ahan, Zarigunda, Latiwaza, Babasalun aredependent on PHC Kurhama. However due to the shortage of staff, the patientshave to suffer. The hospital has good infrastructure but lacks staff. Werequest authorities to post more staff at the PHC for convenience of thepeople.

Residents of Kurhama Ganderbal

Construct abutment along Rangreth-Gogoo link road

Rangreth-Gogoo link road isprone to accident in absence of abutment on roadsides. In absence of abutmentwall, several accidents have occurred on the stretch. The abutment was damageddue to incessant rains in 2015 and since then has not been repaired. We appealthe concerned authorities to reconstruct the abutment at the earliest toprevent mishap on the stretch.

Nisar Ahmad


Syed Abad Soiteng residents seek completion of bridge

We the residents of Syed Abad Soiteng want to bring thisinto notice of Lieutenant governor GC Murmu that the under construction bridgeat Vethpora-Panrethan is yet to be completed.

Nearlya decade has passed, however the authorities concerned are not able to completethis project. The bridge over river Jhelum will benefit people living acrossriver Jhelum. Besides the bridge will be an alternative route to Rambagh,Hyderpora, Nowgam, Airport, Dalgate, Nishat and Pampore.

Ninety five percent workson the project are complete. However, construction activity has been stopped.In absence of accountability, concerned authorities are in deep slumber.

We appeal LG to internepersonally and get the project completed and opned for public at an earliest.

Residents of Syed Abad Soiteng through Ghulam Hassan Bhat

Stop dumping of garbage on Dal banks at Baba Mohalla

Wethe residents of Baba Mohalla Dargah Hazratbal near State Bank of India are fedup with garbage accumulated on the banks of Dal lake and in the vicinity of ourlocality.

We are facing lot ofinconvenience in prevailing situation due to pungent smell emanating fromgarbage and the polluted water as such. The times are really grave and suchkind of negligence by the SMC and other concerned authorities will only furtherour problems.

On one side there is the grand shrine of Dargah Hazratbal,on other the world famous Dal Lake and on the other the prestigious Universityof Kashmir. When amidst such famous places there is such situation what can weexpect in other areas.?

The situation is not because of the pandemic only but it hasbeen here from years, as all the nearby vegetable vendors, Halwais and other shopkeepersdump all their garbage here. We request the concerned to please look into thematter as soon as possible.

Residents through Muhammad Azeem Baba

Baba Mohalla Hazratbal

Dalgate residents seek shifting of garbage dump

Wedemand shifting of garbage dump from main entrance of Malteng graveyard toother place.

The presence of garbage dump near the graveyard entrancecreates immense problems for us. The problem is compounded by presence of straydogs at  the spot. We appeal the SMCauthorities to shift the garbage dump at the earliest. 

Residents of Dalgate through Abdul Hamid

Downtown areas in Srinagar without potable water supply

Overtwo lakh people continue to suffer as government has failed to fix MalshahiBagh water canal breach even after five months have passed. The canal developedbreach in the first week of December last year.

The areas facing water shortage include Malabagh, Kokarbagh,Elahi Bagh, Gulab Bagh, Soura, Anchar, Nowshera, Lal Bazar, Alasteng, Shuhama,Habak, Zakura, Batpora, Madin Sahib, Zadibal and many areas of the old city.Authorities are not paying any heed to this grave concern.

We appeal the authoritiesconcerned to intensity their efforts and resolve the issue before Ramadan.

Residents of affected areas through  Feroz Ahmad, Farooq Ahmad and Mushtaq Ahmad

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