AOC-in-C, Western Air Command, reviews security setup of IAF station in Jammu

Air Marshal Raghunath Nambiar, Air OfficerCommanding-in-Chief, Western Air Command, reviewed the security set up of theAir Force station here and praised the operational preparedness, high securitysetup and the high morale of its personnel.

Air Marshal Nambiar visited the Air Force station on Mondayand interacted with the senior officers and all commanding officers of thelodger units besides taking to the skies for an aerial recce of forward basesand deployment, a defence spokesman said Tuesday.

Accompanied by President of Air Force Wives WelfareAssociation (Regional) Luxmi Nambiar, the AOC-in-C was received by Air OfficerCommanding, Air Force Station, Jammu, Air Commodore Ajay Singh Pathania, andpresident AFWWA (Local), Sapna Pathania.

He was briefed about the aspects of the station and alsotook a tour of the technical area of the station, the spokesman said, adding hevisited various operational units and appreciated the role played by thefrontline Air Force Base in guarding the western skies of the nation.

The spokesman said he familiarised himself with the runwayextension plan of the station and was given a presentation by director, AirportAuthority of India and the Garrison Engineer (Project).

He further reviewed the security setup of the station, hesaid.

The Air Marshal addressed all the Air Warriors, appreciatingthe stupendous work done in conduct of humanitarian assistance and disasterrelief (HADR) missions by IAF helicopters of the base even beyond the call ofduty.

“The AOC-in-C appreciated the operational preparedness,high security setup and the high morale of the personnel of Air Force StationJammu,” the spokesman said.

He said the Air Marshal, however, stressed on operationalpreparedness to respond in any type of contingency in the least possible timeand the challenges ahead, the spokesman said.

The President Air Force Wives Welfare Association (Regional)visited the Station Vocational Training Centre (VTC), Umeed Vidya Kiran School(School for the Specially abled children), Station Medicare Centre and variousAFWWA ventures of the station.

A meeting with station Sanginis was conducted and sheapplauded the efforts undertaken by the station towards the various welfareactivities, the spokesman said.

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