Distt panels to monitor functioning of Drug De-addiction centres

Jammu, Apr 17: Amid rising concerns about drug menace which has reached an alarming proportion across J&K, the UT administration has constituted District Level Monitoring Committees (DLMCs) for effective monitoring and functioning of Drug De-addiction Centres.

These panels will monitor the functioning of these centres in conformity with law in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Home, Health and Medical Education and the Social Welfare Departments will continuously monitor the functioning of these committees at their level and submit a monthly report on the matter along with recommendations for suitable corrective action required from time to time.

The committees will have Additional Deputy Commissioners as their chairman while Chief Medical Officer; a representative of Senior Superintendent of Police (Not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police and Medical Officer trained in Mental Health will be their members. The District Social Welfare Officer will be the Member Secretary of these panels.

As per the terms of reference, the panels will inspect private Drug De-addiction Centres running in each district and submit recommendations or reports to the Divisional Level Monitoring Committees on monthly basis and advise various stakeholders from time to time for implementing the Drug De-addiction policy on ground.

“The committees will also organise awareness campaigns about habit-forming drugs,” it was directed in the order issued by GAD Commissioner Secretary Sanjeev Verma.

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