Udhampur Court awards 2 yrs imprisonment in rape attempt case

Udhampur, Mar 14: Principal District and Session Judge Udhampur, Haq Nawaz Zargar today awarded two years rigorous imprisonment with a fine of Rs 3,000 to Tirath Ram alias Babu Ram of Mali Tehsil of district Udhampur under section 354RPC saying in case of default in payment of fine, he shall undergo a further imprisonment for three months. The period of detention already undergone shall be set off against the sentence imposed. 

Court observed that the accused-convict has been found guilty of outraging the modesty of the prosecutrix, which is atrocious crime and is not a fit case to release the convicted-accused u/s 562 CrPC or under the Probation of Offender‘s Act. Court Considering the material on record as well as the facts and circumstances of the case, held accused guilty and convicted him for the commission of offence under section 354 RPC.

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