‘Will wait for arrest of former ministers’

National Conference president and Member Parliament (MP) Dr Farooq Abdullah on Monday said he will wait for the arrest of two former ministers on corruption charges.

Replying to a query about Governor Satya Pal Malik’sstatement that former ministers will be arrested on corruption charges in Jammuand Kashmir, Dr Farooq said, “It is good. Let them arrest. We will also wait.”

However, he declined to comment on Governor Malik’sstatement in which he had apparently asked militants to “kill those who havelooted Kashmir.”

“I cannot comment on his (Governor’s) statement. What can Isay about it?” he said.

Reacting to the statement of Director General of PoliceDilbagh Singh that “there is no threat to Amarnath pilgrims,” Dr Farooq said, “”There is no need for the DGP to give such statements. There was no danger to thepilgrims in the past nor does it exist at present. When they give such astatement, it seems they are trying to instill fear among the pilgrims.”

He said that Amarnath Yatra is going on smoothly which is agood sign for Kashmir.

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