Amid hustle and bustle, students share emotional bond

Srinagar: Saniya, a class 8th student of a private school in Srinagar was excited to join her school for routine academic activities after a gap of over two years.

The level of excitement was such that she could not sleep during the preceding night, as she was eager to join her peer group at school.

Despite the excitement, the concerns surrounding COVID-19 were weighing heavy in her mind like other students who joined their respective schools from Wednesday.

“I did not attend my school for the last two years so I am happy today to join my school after such a long gap. I was so excited that I could not sleep for the preceding night as I was eager to meet my friends,” Saniya told Greater Kashmir.

She said the students are taking proper care of COVID-19 SoPs, wearing a face mask and sanitising hands besides ensuring physical distance in class room and school premises.

“No doubt we have to be cautious about COVID-19 protocols but we are enjoying school and studying as well,” she said.

As per the government orders, all the government and private schools across Kashmir resumed class work on Wednesday for students post over two month long winter vacations.

Like Saniya, other students were joyous and were seen cherishing the moment while entering their school premises.

“I am excited to join school for routine class work after more than two year and it is really a good moment for me. I was ready to join schools and made all preparations from the last five days,” said Malika, a class 7th student.

While cherishing the moment of returning to their schools, the students however had to complete certain formalities before entering the premises.

“Firstly we have to face a thermal scanner at the entry point, produce our COVID-19 vaccination certificate and wear a face mask for the whole day. Likewise other SoPs are to be followed as well. But we are still happy to be back in school,” Malika said.

March 2 marked the day of excitement for many kids who began cherishing the day soon after they boarded their school buses at their designated bus stops.

“I felt happy to meet my friends on the school bus after two years. It is really fun to be with friends again, travel through different routes, share our stories and study together in school,” said Nazima, another student. “Not only students, but our family is also happy for us to join the school,” she said.

The students have been excited since the day when the government announced the reopening of all schools in Kashmir for routine academic activities.

“After I heard about the announcement, I started packing my school bag, got a new uniform and the level of excitement was also going high to meet my friends on the bus and in school,” said Hazika Manzoor. Besides students, teachers were also happy to welcome the students in the schools.

“Offline mode of education is more effective as compared to online as students have physical interaction with teachers. A good environment is provided to students,” said Sumaya, a school teacher. Apart from school premises, there was hustle and bustle across the Valley with students gathering at bus stops to board their school buses to reach their schools.

The highway and link roads were abuzz with the school buses ferrying school going children from their homes to schools and vice versa. Rush of private vehicles was also witnessed on roads leading to different schools with parents accompanying their kids to their schools.

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