Apni Party welcomes PAGD decision to contest elections

Apni Party spokesman Javid Hassan Baig on Sunday welcomed the decision taken by the signatories of Peoples’ Alliance of Gupkar Declaration to contest upcoming DDC elections in Jammu and Kashmir.

However, Baig, remarked the pronouncement has completely exposed what he termed as political doublespeak of the Alliance who until now were desperately exploring an alibi to make themselves relevant in the recent turn of events.

“All the parties in this Alliance knew the ground realities but were just trying to find ways and means to hoodwink the people while aiming at grabbing the power,” he alleged.

He said it was only the Apni Party that had taken an unambiguous and explicit political stand since the last year’s developments that changed the political landscape in J&K. Baig said that the Apni Party never indulged in giving false hopes to the people but always stood firm for its pragmatic demands at all forums available in the country.

“We never showed the moon and the stars to the people and we still believe that there are only two top institutions– Supreme Court or the Parliament of India that have the power to restore the special status in J&K. Rest is all political gimmickry which we don’t believe in,” Baig observed.

He said the signatories of PAGD had joined hands not to protect and defend the identity, autonomy and special status of J&K as they claimed but to “cover-up” each other’s follies and to prevent each other from an imminent blame game for participating in elections.

“Let me inform all the signatories of this opportunistic Alliance that there are no takers for their hollow sloganeering and political gimmicks in J&K. Their renewed efforts to portray themselves as a unified front has further disenchanted the public who once again feel ditched by these parties by taking their political aspirations at a ride,” he remarked.

The Apni Party spokesman said that the political doublespeak of this Alliance is palpable and people should reply their lies as they deserve. “People are fully aware that PAGD is only a self-serving attempt by these parties who have utterly failed to provide safeguards to J&K’s special status during their tenures in power,” Baig said.

He added that these parties have always focused on the cosmetic of electoral politics and seldom or never articulated a morally forceful argument on behalf of the people of J&K to protect their special privileges which were enshrined in the constitution.

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