Army hold interaction at Boniyar

Army on Sunday said that it organised a meeting with the surrendered militants at Bela Army camp in Boniyar, an Army spokesman said in a statement.

He said the Commanding officer of the Boniyar battalionwelcomed everyone and acknowledged their efforts for eschewing the path ofviolence and joining the mainstream society and contributing towards its progress.”The gathering expressed their gratitude towards the Army for helping them outwith their socio-economic reintegration, ” the spokesman said, adding that  “The meeting began with introduction ofeveryone present and discussion on their active years in militancy. They werethanked for helping the security forces in maintaining the peace and harmony inthe area. Thereafter, brainstorming on various reasons to join militancy andmeasures to curb them were discussed.”

The  Commandingofficer urged them to devote their energy on positive works and emerge as astrong face for development of the state. He also highlighted that they are animportant catalyst for progress and a beacon to many misguided youth who wantto shun the path of violence.

 The spokesman saidthat 21 surrendered militants attended the meeting from the area. They wereurged to set examples in the society through constructive work and inspire theyoung generation.

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