Arrest of 7 DeM activists challenged in SHRC

State Human Rights Commission on Thursday sought a report from deputy commissioner and SSP Pulwama on a petition challenging the arrest of seven Dukhtaran–e-Milat (DeM) activists by the police on Sunday. 

The DeM activists were detained by the police in Pinglan area of Pulwama district when they were visiting the family of slain militant Mussavir Wani to offer condolences to the bereaved family, reads the petition filed by chairperson International Forum for Justice and Human Rights, Ahsan Untoo.

The petitioner pleaded that the intention of the activists was to offer condolence to the family which is a humanitarian act, and not a crime. 

He alleged in the petition that the government forces stooped so low that they installed barbed wires so as to abstain people from offering condolence.

The activists were presented in handcuffs before the Chief Judicial Magistrate, which is against the law, the petition reads, praying that the commission may pass appropriate orders for “investigating the facts and reasons of arresting the activists.”

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