Construction work on footbridge over river Jhelum in Sumbal remains incomplete for over 9-years

Bandipora: The construction of a vital footbridge over the Jhelum river in the Sumbal division of north Kashmir’s Bandipora remains languishing for over nine years.

The project is likely to be delayed further till the fictionalization of fresh tenders. This is despite consistent demands and protests by the locals.

The old wooden bridge was demolished in 2013 to pave the way for the new construction after it had developed cracks and was rendered out of use for the commuters. The construction of the new bridge was ordered in 2014 to connect several areas to the main market. However, now after almost a decade-long wait, the bridge is nowhere near completion.

“After demolishing the old wooden bridge, construction of the new structure was ordered in 2014, however, there has been no headway even after 9 years. The repeated assurances from the authorities have borne no fruit,” Ahmad Shah, a local resident said.

Blaming the authorities and the contractors for the delay, the locals said despite it being taken up as a “priority project under the languishing category years before” no construction has happened for a long time on the bridge.

The locals said the old bridge over Jhelum connected many areas of the Sumbal town to several villages.

“The old bridge for years had served as an important link for the town and its peripheral areas across the river. Not only has the absence hampered businesses but has split the town into two and hit its daily association with people of the areas on the other side, “Nazir Ahmad a trader said.

Moreover, the administrative offices, and educational institutions, locals said, fall on the town side at Irrigation Colony Sumbal and have remained “inaccessible” for scores of people despite being only a stone’s throw away on the other side of the river bank.

“The people are forced to cross by boats which aren’t available round the clock. Even coffins are taken on boats to the graveyard on the other side,” an elderly local said.

“Scores of times officials assured that the construction will take off soon after addressing all the official hurdles, but the day has never come,” Danish Ahamd, who runs a shop in the town said.

The delay has also resulted in several protests by the locals and traders, the latest of which was held last Friday. Nazir Ahamd, a trade leader, said, “The administration could have easily black-listed the contractor and started work afresh but it hasn’t been the case here and the development works have been hit.”

Officials said that the delay is likely to ‘extend’ further as they need to issue fresh tenders for the project.

They also cite the reluctance of contractors and the “cold shoulder” from the higher-ups for the delay.

“The work on the bridge is yet to start again and is likely to get delayed further as we need to finalize the fresh tenders, “Abdul Majid, Executive engineer R&B Sumbal said.

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