COVID-19 | Apni Party aghast over ‘mishandling’ second COVID wave in J&K

Apni Party Tuesday said that the government had mishandled the second wave of COVID-19 in Jammu and Kashmir.

In a statement issued here, Apni Party Provincial President, Kashmir, Muhammad Ashraf Mir said that the government had utterly failed to effectively tackle the current wave of pandemic and the requisite pre-emptive measures for further impeding the spread of this contagion had also proved to be a fiasco.

“The example of Delhi and Maharashtra should have already put the J&K administration on guard wherein due to the mulishness of the system many precious lives have been lost. Ironically, the lackadaisical approach of the administration is further aggravating the crisis-like condition in the J&K,” he said.

Mir said that the government announcements about the availability of life-saving drugs and oxygen supplies in sufficient quantities across J&K appears to be a flimsy pretension as people were suffering on ground for a shot of Remdesivir.

“The claims made by the administration in regards to an ample supply of medical facilities in J&K remains in contrast to the realities on the ground. The government must collect reliable data and corroborate their claims with facts rather than fancies,” he said.

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