Create employment opportunities for youth: PC

Srinagar, June 2: Senior Vice-President People’s Conference (PC) and former minister Abdul Gani Vakil today said that promises made by Union Territory Government for the unemployed youth have proved to be a damp squib.

According to a press note, Vakil said this while talking to people during visit to some villages. He visited the villages of Rafiabad and Sopore including Panzala, Dooligund, Harwan, Reban, Hathlangoo, Botingoo and Warpora.

He asserted that promises and claims made by the government for thousands of educated youth have not yielded any results so far. “The previous governor during his tenure had promised employment to thousands of youth in J&K but nothing was done on the ground and similarly the present administration too has promised jobs but those announcements remained on restricted to statements only,” he said.

The PC leader said that although different departments notified several posts for which unemployment youth applied but no progress has been seen in this regard.

“The lack of employment opportunities in Jammu and Kashmir have pushed youth to trouble causing and increasing alienation among them which is against democratic principles and can even prove against national interest,” Vakil said.

Vakil urged urged the UT administration and the central government to come out with a concrete job policy for the unemployed youth of J&K so that they cannot suffer anymore and will come close to mainstream. “Once the employment opportunities are created, the youth would be converged towards the mainstream, which is the need of the hour,” he added.

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