CTA participates in AIFUCTO meet

All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organisations convened its national executive council meet at Ghandhi Peace Foundation Centre, New Delhi.

According to a statement, state teacher leaders from acrossthe country participated in the meet.

Dr Kesab Battacharya president AIFUCTO, chaired the meet.Jammu and Kashmir was represented by president J&K College TeachersAssociation Prof Tariq Ashai.

Deliberations on different issues including New EducationPolicy were held during the meeting.

Prof Tariq Ashai in his speech impressed upon the AIFUCTOleadership to fight for the uniform adoption of UGC rules and regulationsacross the country in letter and spirit to avoid discrimination and disparityamongst same cadre working in different colleges and universities of thecountry. Prof Ashai pointed out that the incentive for higher qualificationdespite clear cut recommendation from UGC has not been implemented in J&Ktill date. While speaking on NEP, Prof Ashai advocated the partialprivatization of the higher education sector to boost infrastructuredevelopment, accountability, competitiveness and work culture and at the sametime demanded adequate scholarships for brilliant students and financial aidfor under privileged and backward classes.

Dr Arun Kumar general secretary AIFUCTO sought cooperationfrom the state leaders to make AIFUCTO a much stronger organisation to shapethe future of India in the field of higher education.

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