Governor condemns killing of elderly man in Bhadarwah, urges people to remain calm

Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik on Fridaycondemned the killing of an elderly man in Bhadarwah and urged the people notto take law and order into their own hands.

“I urge all the people not to take law and order in theirhand. People should also co-operate with the law enforcing agencies,” Governorsaid in a press statement.

Governor Malik also advised the prominent leaders of thetown to help the Police and Civil administration in pacifying the protestors.

He directed the police and civil administration to spare noefforts in bringing the culprits to justice and ensure that no anti-socialelement succeed in exploiting the situation and shatter the sense ofbrotherhood and harmony existing among the people of Bhaderwah since centuries.

Nayeem Ahmad Shah was allegedly shot dead by cow vigilantesbefore dawn yesterday while he was heading towards his home. His killing hastriggered widespread protests in Bhadarwah.     

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