HSS Kunzer conducts career counselling programme

Baramulla, Dec 19 : In order to make aware the students about various career opportunities and in the backdrop of launch of portal ‘Guidance and Counselling Cell’  by the UT  administration for students, a special session of career counselling for outgoing students of class 12th was held at Government Higher Secondary School Kunzar on Monday.

 The theme of the session was ‘plan your career after passing class 12th’. During the session, the experts dwelt on various aspects related to the theme.

During the session, Dr Rukhsana Akhtar, deliberated upon the ‘Carrier in Humanities’. She explained the students how they should select subjects with regard to National Education Policy.

Syed Azad Bukhari, an IT expert, spoke on the career avenues in science and technology and the scope of entrepreneurship.

On the occasion, G A Reshi spoke on the scope and  avenues of ‘Abroad Admissions” while Rafiq Ahmad Magray spoke on “comforts and hardships in pursuing the career till success.” Magray also gave awareness on scholarships, national as well as international during the session JK Govt students scholarships.

Principal  Higher Secondary Kunzar Abdul Rashid Malla thanked the Counselling cell for conducting such kind of career orientation programs.  About 75 students attended the counselling session. Sareer Ahmad Shahbaz conducted the proceedings and Abdul Hafiz Bali talked about the  importance of securing and safeguarding students’ careers.

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