Save career of 4500 highly qualified youth

Saakshar Bharat Mission (adult skill development programme)was launched by the Prime Minister in 2009 following which applications wereinvited for the recruitment of preraks, block coordinators, districtcoordinators purely based on merit at Panchayat levels, block levels anddistrict levels. The employees who were appointed have been performing theirduties with dedication and devotion in respective schools from past 6 to 7years under the supervision of concerned DIET principals, zonal education officersand headmasters. The main objective of the scheme is to provide basic andcontinued education with the special focus on female folk. The motive of thesaid scheme is to make our country and state a literate society as illiteracycontinues to be a big concern. In addition our own legitimate duty and ourservices have been utilised for various purposes such as academic support inschools, booth level officers, CAPD, NAFSA and election duty.


After completion of 6 years service by getting variousextensions from MHRD, J&K government started a process to frame a jobpolicy in favour of SBM employees for which communications were sent to severalquarters and directors of both divisions and joint director SBM were requestedto submit necessary inputs for further appropriate action.

All chief education officers have furnished their reports tothe concerned directors and both the directors also have submitted same filesin the office of Secretary School Education but the file is lying in theplanning department of school education since long. It is evident that SaaksharBharat Mission has not been granted further extension from 31-03-2018. It hasput a question mark in our careers.

We are waiting to get absorbed in the education departmentfrom the past 6-7 years.  We request theconcerned authorities to step in and save the future of 4500 highly qualifiedyouth.

Riyaz-ul-haq Shah 


Conduct examinations

Job aspirants who have applied for various posts in Jammuand Kashmir High Court have appealed to the authorities to conduct theexaminations for these posts as aspirants are waiting eagerly.

Imtiyaz Hassan Nanil

Save natural springs in Ganderbal

Nature has bestowed Batwina Ganderbal with ample fresh waterresources in the form of springs. For decades, water of these springs was usedfor drinking and domestic purposes. There were hundreds of natural springs inthe area but now the story is quite different as we have lost most of them. Nowthe remaining springs are in shambles. These springs have been surrounded bythe heaps of garbage and stench. Need of the hour is to preserve these waterbodies. If we don’t wake up the day is not far when these natural springs will be seen nowhere in Kashmir. Theauthorities should also come up with some plans to conserve these water bodies.

Rameez Batwini


PHE in deep slumber

Pure drinking water is recklessly flowing from the waterpipe at the roadside of Wanabal near Railway Bridge, Nowgam. The PHE departmentseems to have turned a blind eye towards this issue. It’s an irony that PHEkeeps on telling the people that they should save the drinking water. Beforegiving sermons PHE should plug these pipes and prevent drinking water fromgetting wasted. One hopes that PHE wakes up from deep slumber.


Provide transport facility

We the residents of Haba Kadal  request the authorities to provide publictransport facility from Lal chowk to Zaina Kadal/ Bohri Kadal via ChinkralMohalla  as we don’t have any transportfacility through this route.

Shazia Nazir Bhat

Overloading in mini buses

We the residents of Hamdaniya Colony Bemina are facingimmense problems due to overloading in minibuses especially during the eveninghours.

Conductors carry more and more passengers and people evenclimb on roofs and hang on the doors of these bused with high risk of injuriesas well as chance of accidents.

We request the concerned department to increases mini busesor launch sumo services to mitigate the sufferings of the people.


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