8-yrs on, AIOs await selection list

From the past eight years we are waiting for issuance ofselection list of 29 Assistant Information Officers.  From the past three years matter is frozen inJammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board.


We had sought help from High Court for issuance of selectionlist. The Chief Justice Gita Mittal ordered JKSSB to declare selection listwithin a month but till date nothing has been done. 

Three months ago the officials at JKSSB had told us thatthey have sent the file to the Information department. Till now we have notheard anything from the concerned department. These posts were advertised in 2006. Even after 13-years candidatesdon’t know what future holds for them.

We request the Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik tointervene to end our predicament.


Contractual employees seek Governor’s intervention

The centrally sponsored schemes like, NHM, NRDWP, MGNERAGA,etc had been implemented in Jammu and Kashmir few decades ago and employeeswere recruited on contractual basis, through proper procedure.

The employees who were recruited prior to 2010 wereregularised under special provision act. But others were ignored. Till date nojob policy has been framed for the employees who were recruited after 2010.

We request the Governor’s administration to intervene intothe matter and come for the rescue of employees, who have been left in lurch bythe successive regimes.

Contractual employees

Students seek EWS certificates   

The concerned tehsildars of districts are not issuingEconomically Weaker Section (EWS) certificates to the deserving students. Thedelay on part of tehsildars may cost us MBBS seats.

The government has already applied for 10%  EWS quota in medical colleges and MedicalCouncil of India  has also  notified the same. We have already spent 2months in tehsil offices, but to no avail.


Disengaged contractual teachers urge Governor to intervene 

Hundreds of lecturers working on academic arrangement basisin different higher secondary schools of the Valley have been disengaged in themidst of academic session.

 Most of theselecturers are highly qualified with NET/SET/Mphil and possess good teachingexperiences in their respective subjects. Student community has been sufferingas they are without subject teachers since July 1.

The fate and career of hundreds of unemployed youth is atstake. We urge the Governor Satya Pal Malik to personally intervene into thematter on humanitarian grounds, keeping in view the needs and aspirations ofeducated unemployed youth and career of thousands of students.

Imtiyaz Hassan Nanil

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