J&K Govt employees to get salaries at par with Centre

Lieutenant Governor G C Murmu Thursday extended various benefits of Central pay grade in favour of the 4.5 lakh government employees in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

The General Administration Department on Thursday issued anorder giving benefit of Children Education Allowance (CEA) and hostel subsidyfor children of the employees.

The amount for reimbursement of CEA has been fixed at Rs2250 per month per child. The ceiling of hostel subsidy has been fixed Rs 6750per month. However, the reimbursement of CEA for Divyaang (Disable) children ofgovernment employees stands at Rs 4500 per month. If both the spouses aregovernment employees, only one of them can avail the benefit of CEA.

Government employees can avail the CEA till the childattains 20 years or is 12th class pass, whichever is earlier. However, theupper age limit for disable child stands at 22 years. The ceiling would beautomatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance (DA) on therevised pay structure goes up by 50%.

Government also granted Transport Allowance to the employeesfor various pay levels. For the pay level 9 and above rupees 7200 +DAadmissible, level 3 and above but below level 9 Rs 3600 + DA, upto level 2 Rs1350+DA applicable in cities. For the employees who are posted at other placesthe rates of TA and DA differ. For pay level 9 and above Rs 3600 + DA, forlevel 3 and above but below level 9 Rs 1800+DA and upto level 2 Rs 900+DA.However, employees who are drawing pay of Rs 24,200 and above pay level SL 1 toSL 3 are eligible for TA @ 3600+DA in the cities and 1800+DA at other places.

Government of Jammu and Kashmir also sanctioned grant ofincentives for acquiring fresh higher qualification by government employees infields that are directly relevant to the employee’s job. Sanction of Rs 30,000for Phd or equivalent, PG/Degree/Diploma of duration of more than a year Rs25,000, PG/Degree/Diploma of duration of a year Rs 20,000, Degree/Diploma of durationmore than three years Rs 15,000, Degree/Diploma of duration three years or lessRs 10,000. All incentives acquired after induction into service and limited tomaximum two times in an employee’s career.


To examine the issues regarding strength and composition,promotions and implication on post inductions and other related issues to AllIndia Service Cadre, Government of Jammu and Kashmir today constituted acommittee to look into the matters asking the panel to submit its report toGeneral Administration Department by 13 December, 2019.

The committee comprises of Atal Dulloo IAS, FinancialCommissioner, Health and Medical Education Department; Shaleen Kabra IAS,Principal Secretary to the government, Home department; Manoj Kumar DwivediIAS, Commissioner /secretary to the government, department of Forest, Ecologyand Environment; Dr. Farooq Ahmad Lone IAS, Secretary to the government,General Administration Department; Achal Sethi, Secretary to the government,department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs; and Charandeep Singh KAS,Additional Secretary to the government, General Administration Department.

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