J&K Health Secretary reviews monkeypox preparedness

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Srinagar, Aug 20: Secretary Health J&K, Syed Aabid Rashid, today reviewed the preparedness of public health agencies across the UT in the light of the recent declaration of monkeypox as an emergency by WHO on August 14.

During the meeting the Secretary H&ME directed all stakeholders to take proactive measures to ensure full preparedness to handle any situation.


He asked all HODs to conduct mock drills across the state and to impart training to all health officials regarding logistics and transportation concerned with potential outbreak.

He asked all the HODs to dedicate isolation wards across all health facilities in the state for the purpose. Also all the HODs were directed to ensure activation of testing, treating, contact tracing centres for monkeypox virus.

All the HODs were directed to review the stock position of related consumables, disposables and drugs to ensure that everything is in place at grassroot level in case need arises.

The MD-JKMSCL was asked to strengthen the supply and demand of logistics i;e testing kits, ppe kits, disposable and drugs. (KNS)

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