Katari Mollaha Kuligam residents in Lolab without drinking water

The residents of Katari Mohallah Kuligam in Lolab area of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district have expressed strong resentment against the Jal Shakti Department for failing to provide them potable water for over a year now.

The residents alleged that despite several representations, the Jal Shakti Department has failed to provide them with the basic amenity.

The residents said that they were suffering due to lack of drinking water and dried up wells in the village have added to their woes but still concerned authorities were watching as mute spectators.

Residents have sought immediate intervention of Deputy Commissioner Kupwara Ayushi Sudan in this regard so that the hardships being faced by the people may end soon.

Naribal Qaziabad residents rue lack of drinking water

For last 15 days residents in Naribal Qaziabad have been suffering due to lack of drinking water thus putting them into a lot of inconvenience.

The residents said that they were being deprived of potable water. “We are being forced to fetch water from far-off places in this bone-chilling winter. Nobody cares about our plight,” a local told Greater Kashmir.

“Despite repeated pleas to restore the water supply, authorities have failed to take any concrete step in this regard,” he added.

An official at Jal Shakti Department Division Handwara acknowledged the hardships being faced by the people. He said that due to some technical issue, water supply to the area has been affected. “We are working on it to restore the water supply to the area as soon as possible,” he added.


Langate village reeling under darkness due to damaged transformer

Pir Mohalla Batpora village in Langate is without electricity for the past several days as the electric transformer has got damaged resulting in the overall area plunging into darkness.

The residents said that for last several days they were really suffering due to lack of electricity.

The residents said that they need to travel to nearby villages to charge their mobile phones and other electric appliances. They demanded repair and up-gradation of the transformer at the earliest, so that their sufferings may end.

The residents said that the transformer got damaged five times since the start of this winter resulting in the overall area plunging into darkness.

The residents have urged authorities to review the consumer distribution among transformers in their locality to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the load, preventing transformers in the village from being unduly overburdened.

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