Lecture on artificial intelligence, machine learning held at CUK

Ganderbal, Nov 30: Under the Central University of Kashmir’s Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Department of Information Technology organised an expert talk on “Research Prospects in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.”

Speaking on the occasion, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Farooq Ahmad Shah, said, “Information Technology in general and AI in particular has become part of our life. Even farmers living in the remote areas or unknowingly use technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, IoT etc.”

Addressing the gathering, Registrar, Prof. M Afzal Zargar, said, “AI and its applications have eased our lives and made it possible to predict things.” As the event was being conducted to commemorate the Engineer’s Day, Prof. Zargar while congratulating the faculty and students of the Department, added that in any developing country, Engineers have the most important role to play as they deal with the technology which drives every aspect of life.

In his lecture, Deptt Coordinator Er. Afaq Alam Khan explained the MoE’s IIC initiative and spoke at length, on core technologies pertaining to Deep Learning.

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