LG Murmu reviews flood preparedness in Kashmir

Lieutenant Governor (LG), GC Murmu Monday chaired a high level meeting to review flood preparation and response mechanism in Kashmir.

Speaking on the occasion,the LG said the government shall have to be fully prepared to deal with anyeventuality that may arise due to a flood-like situation.

He called upon irrigation& flood control department, divisional administration, Srinagar MunicipalCorporation and SDRF to devise flood management and mitigation plansimmediately.

The LG impressed on takingproactive measures to augment effective flood preparation and response.Stressing on foolproof flood preparedness, the LG directed officers to take upall urgent works immediately to ensure that works were completed in time forprompt flood response.

Instructions were alsogiven on raising of embankments at all vulnerable spots, dredging of floodchannels and stocking of sand bags and keeping men and machinery in ready modeto deal with flood like situation emerging anywhere in the Valley.

The LG urged forstrengthening of flood monitoring system with installation of solar operatedCCTVs, advanced flood alertness, installation of automatic rain recording andflood gauges at identified locations. Directions were passed for strengtheningof 24×7 flood control room with all arrangements for prompt relief and rescueoperations. The LG said the capacity of Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) at HariNiwas should be augmented, madefully functional and connected with other control rooms through hotlinecommunication facility.

While reviewing pace ofexecution of flood related works, the LG directed resuming work on Sharief-abadand Naidkhai bridges at an earliest, which would help remove obstructions inthe flow of water. He asked for facilitating the contractors by mobilizingmanpower and material supplies for these projects to ensure that work wascommenced immediately while taking all necessary precautions like socialdistancing, providing masks and protective gear to work force.

During the meeting, theSMC was directed to ensure immediately de-clogging of all rain storm drains inthe city besides installation of solar powered high mast lights in all floodprone areas for the hassle-free evacuation during floods.

As advance floodmitigation plan, the LG instructed concerned to ensure that all installedmachinery was shifted to upper floors of hospitals and other essentialgovernment buildings in low lying areas including civil secretariat.

Speaking on the occasion,Chief Secretary directed the departments concerned to activate the advancewarning systems pertaining to weather alert and evacuation alert.

He said rescue teamsshould be in high level of preparedness and mock drills should be conducted. Hesaid a senior secretary-level officer based in Srinagar shall be assigned thetask of monitoring the flood preparedness activities of all concerneddepartments.

Earlier, commissionersecretary, JalShkatiAjeet Kumar Sahu, through a power point presentationdeliberated upon the flood preparation, mitigation and response plan.

He said there was advancedflood alert system in place and work on increasing intake capacity of waterbodies was being focused across the Valley.

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