Menace of drug abuse an emerging threat for our youth: Dr Farooq Abdullah

Jammu andKashmir National Conference president and Member of Parliament from Srinagarparliament Dr Farooq Abdullah on Tuesday said the menace of drug abuse is theemerging threat which if left unchecked will consume the future of our youth.

Interactingwith a group of representatives of welfare committee Maqdoom sahib at hisresidence in Srinagar party president said that the need of the hour called forjoint societal efforts to tackle with the menace.

“Every issuehas to be addressed with all seriousness jointly by various stakeholders thatinclude the government as well. But the greater responsibility lies on theshoulders of schools, parents and the community leaders. The need of the hourcalls for inclusive policy against the menace focusing mainly on threecomponents: policing, de- addiction, and prevention.” 

“Thesituation should be immediately tackled with a brawny response before it morphsinto a much dire situation.  It would bebetter if the state government comes up with an inclusive policy against themenace of drug addiction and narcotic smuggling. The policy frame work shouldinclude the inputs of health, police and education departments. Various civilsociety groups should also be taken on board before evolving such a state levelstrategy against the menace,” he said.

The visitingdelegation apprised the party president about the increasing activity of drugpeddlers in the sheikh colony locality. The delegation lamented the negligentattitude of the local police towards the issue.

Thedelegation members said that their repeated petitions in this connection werenot entertained by the local police.

Thedelegation apprised the party president about the necessity of removing theresidents of Sheikh Colony to other area of the city. They maintained that thesettlement has become a hub of all unscrupulous activities including drugpeddling and land grab in Malkha graveyard.

The partypresident ensured the visiting delegation that he will write to the Governorabout the issue. “I will personally meet his Excellency to apprise him on theissue. The land grab issue concerning the biggest graveyard of the valley is ofgreat concern. The graveyard is of historical importance, it has a history toit. I assure you that I will raise the issue at the appropriate forums,” hesaid.

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