Pakistan shared information with India over threat of a possible attack in Kashmir: report

The Pakistan authorities have shared intelligence informationwith the Indian officials over threat of a possible militant attack in southKashmir, media reports said on Sunday.

The Indian Express has reported that the Pakistani officialshave shared the intelligence information with the Indian High Commission inIslamabad.

“Pakistanis shared this information with High Commission inIslamabad and the Americans. They have also informed us about it. So thisinformation has come directly as well as via the Americans to us,” the reportquoting an official said.

It said that the attack is being planned to avenge thekilling of militant commander Zakir Musa and was likely to place aroundAwantipora area of Pulwama district in south Kashmir.

“We are always on alert, especially in South Kashmir. But weare taking this alert very seriously,” an official has told the Indian Express.

Zakir Musa broke away from the Hizbul Mujahideen in May 2017to set up the Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, which he claimed was a local affiliate ofal-Qaeda.

Musa was killed in south Kashmir during a fierce gunfightwith the security forces last month.

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