People of south Kashmir have bade goodbye to PDP: Hasnain Masoodi

Jammu and Kashmir National Conference on Monday asserted that people of south Kashmir are in pain due to the unbridled miseries unleashed on them by PDP-BJP combine.

Addressing a public meet at town hall Devsar, party’s candidate for south Kashmir’s parliamentary constituency retired Justice Hasnain Masoodi said, “People are looking towards NC to liberate them from the unending psychological and mental trauma.

It is hard to imagine a place in world where a vast majority of people are subjected to collective conflict as we see here in south Kashmir.  Ever since PDP clubbed up with BJP, there has been a disproportionate increase in the suffering of the people of Kashmir particularly the people of south Kashmir. 

The disenchantment among the people here has risen exponentially due to the imprudent policies of the former PDP-BJP led government. We all know how PDP sought votes from the people of south Kashmir on the pretext of keeping BJP out, however after results were out  it chose to embrace the same BJP. It is needless to say how many killings, blinding and other worst kind of human rights violations took place afterwards. The monster that was let loose by the PDP is still devouring our youth, and elderly. There is no eye that isn’t craving for a ray of peace.

The skyline of south Kashmir post PDP-BJP association presents a charred look. We see properties in ashes; we see dreams snatched of our youngsters. Never has Kashmir witnessed such tyranny as was unleashed by PDP. We don’t come across any instance in the history where in a party chose to betray and berate the mandate of people, as was done by PDP.”

Hassnain Masoodi said that never in history have people felt as insecure as they are feeling after PDP aligned with BJP. “The woes of people know no limits; the unremitting impact of conflict has robbed people’s peace of mind. The insecure environment is telling upon the mental health of children.

Never have we seen highly educated youth joining the ranks of militants as was seen in the rein of former BJP- PDP led government. The catch words of PDP ‘Goli say Nahi Boli say’ turned out to be a damp squib. On the contrary hundreds of our innocent youth were devoured upon, maimed in during the hay days of PDP-BJP camaraderie.

Masoodi said that Mehbooba is taking vows to protect state’s special status. “How can she? It was she who destroyed what was left of our remaining powers in terms of physical autonomy by implementing GST in our state. It was she who in order to gratify BJP implemented NFSA and SARFAESI in our state.

It was she who revoked the order of putting the state flag atop on state buildings. It was only she who gave cold shoulder to the issue of state subject certificates being provided to non state subjects.

How can she shoulder the cause of protecting our identity when she failed to protect the honor of her late father, who was publically humiliated by Modi in Srinagar?  No blame game and passing the buck can help her wash her hands from the tyranny which she unleashed on people. People have made it a point to punish her through ballot.  She has herself accepted that her own party workers are disgruntled with her. The edifice of PDP has stumbled down under the weight of its deceitful politics.”

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