Quilmuqam NTPHC | Equipment non-functional due to lack of electricity supply

Bandipora, Feb 19 : The equipment at the New Type Primary Health Centre (NTPHC) at Quilmuqam in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district is almost non-functional due to lack of electricity supply.

In 2019 the building was transferred to the department of health services for setting up of NTPHC.


” It has been five years and the health facility still lacks a water and electrical supply. The facility would have been fully operational and serving the population ,” Abdul Wahid Shah a villager said.

Shah claimed that NTPHC had better machinery and other infrastructure but all of it was lying non-functional.

The locals said that they brought the problem into the notice of local officials but nothing was done.

“Officials of every concerned department, we approach, tell us to go to another department citing they are responsible for financing and everything else. It seems like that they are indulging into a blame game to sideline our sincere demands,” locals alleged.

The locals said ECG machines and other necessary screening equipment were good for nothing as they require electricity. The locals claimed that the staff at the hospital required to be put to work as patients were routinely getting referred to district hospitals or private laboratories in the town for tests.

The facility constructed by utilising crores of rupees, according to the locals, was to provide health facilities to a number of areas including Gujjar Basti, Reshwari, Tangpathri Hapatnaar, Kamawari and Quil.

Chief Medical Officer Bandipora Dr Bashir Ahmad said that as of now, they have chosen to temporarily supply water by connecting a pipe to the source. For electricity, the power department will submit a DPR within one week, he said.

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