Residents suffer due to water logging in parts of Sopore

Sopore, Apr 28: Due to continuous rains, various parts of Sopore in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district remained water-logged causing hardships to local people.

The worst hit areas of the town remain especially the low-lying areas of Sher Colony, Tulibal, Mahrajpora, Ningli Bala, Alamdar Colony, Krankshivan Colony, and some other parts of town where residents suffered due to waterlogging.

After the rains have continued across the Kashmir valley the water level in river Jhelum is a cause of worry for the residents of various localities and other adjacent areas of Sopore town.

Muzamil Ahmad Dar, a resident of Sher Colony told Greater Kashmir that, “The water level is still very few feet below the danger level, but continuous downpour since last night has submerged hundreds of households of Sher Colony.”

Muzamil said that water has almost started to recede in river Jhelum, but is slowly increasing in many parts of Sopore town, especially in the low-lying areas which is worrisome for many areas on the river banks.

The water has inundated lanes and bylanes in many other areas of town. Local residents of these areas said that the people are facing immense hardships and the authorities have failed to mitigate their sufferings.

Incessant rains for the past couple of days have led to water logging and water has entered into many houses and schools which are completely unsafe now. The rains have exposed the defunct drainage system and the callous attitude of the government, said locals.

The most affected inundated areas are Sher Colony, Mahrajpora, Tarzoo, Ningli, Krankshivan, Tulibal, Amargrah, Moominabad, Naseem Bagh, and other adjoining localities. Residents said that due to the poor drainage system in the entire Sopore town, water logging has become a worry for them. The locals said that they cannot go outside their homes due to water logging on their lanes and bylanes.

Similarly, the government middle school Sulipora Dangerpora area of Sopore was completely inundated, which affected class work and its routine functioning as the rainwater poured into the school so fast that the entire basement was filled with water.

However, ADC Sopore S A Raina said that they have pressed men and machinery on the job to pump out the rainwater from the localities.

“We are on the job and have removed water from many areas in Sopore town since today morning and are monitoring the situation every hour. Machinery is also active, so there is nothing to worry about,” ADC said.

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