Safety of people our prime concern: DGP Singh

Director General of Police Dilbag Singh on Thursday said that safety of people is prime concern of Jammu and Kashmir Police.

While chairing a security review meeting at Police ControlRoom here the DGP said, “Safety and security of the people is our prime concernand every design of the elements inimical to peace should be foiled firmly.Jammu and Kashmir Police along with other sister agencies have enforced rule oflaw after facing tough challenges and have succeeded to instill sense ofsecurity among the people.”

He said, “Public cooperation has helped to make our effortsfruitful and the organization is giving impetus to strengthen relations withthe people for the eradication of crimes from the society.”

“The militants are making all out attempts to disrupt thesituation in Jammu and Kashmir to please their masters across the border. Ourforces are committed and capable enough to counter any anti-peace act,” hesaid.

The DGP directed the officers to maintain close surveillanceof such elements trying to disrupt the fast returning peaceful atmosphere andtake all measures to neutralise such attempts. “The militants involved in thekilling of Sarpanch Syed Rafiq and employee Sheikh Zahoor at Hakura have beenidentified. They will be brought to law,” the DGP said.

“Nobody is above law and one who breaks the law would bedealt with firmly. While dealing with any situation, it should be ensured thatlaw abiding people are not put to any inconvenience during their day todayactivities.”

The DGP directed the officers to strengthen the nakasestablished across the Valley and augment the security grids to ensure safe andsecure environment for the citizens. “Action against the militants should becontinued and all the suspicious elements should be kept under check so as tofoil their ill designs aimed at disrupting normal lives of the people,” headded.

The DGP reiterated that the support of community members isessential and more and more public cooperation should be ensured byprioritising community-based programmes.

“All possible help be exercised in case of bad weather,” theDGP told officers.

The security review meeting, according to the policespokesman was attended by IGP Kashmir S P Pani, IGP Armed Vijay Kumar, DIG CKR,SSP Srinagar, SSP Security and other senior officers from central forces.

 “The meetingdeliberated on security scenario in Kashmir. The officers representingdifferent agencies briefed the DGP about the measures put in place formaintaining peace and order and ensuring security of the people,” the spokesmanadded.

He said that the DGP underscored the need for pro-activerole of the law enforcing agencies. He asked the officers to put in placeeffective measures for maintaining peace and order in coordination with eachother.  (GKNN)

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