Sajad Lone grieved over electrocution of three people in Karnah

Peoples Conference Chairman Sajad Gani Lone expressedprofound grief over the loss of three precious lives due to electrocution inKarnah.

“I extend my heartfelt condolences to the families of AbdulQadeer Khan, Tabeer Ahmed Chak and Qari Nawaz Ahmad who lost their lives in atragic incident of high tension power supply line falling on a local powersupply line. I pray for peace to the departed souls and strength to the griefstricken families to bear the loss. I also pray for the swift recovery SakeenaBegum and Irshad Ahmad who were injured,” he said in his condolence message.

PC Chairman said that the administration must do avulnerability assessment of the power supply lines especially in Karnah andtake corrective measures to prevent recurrence of such tragic accidents. Healso appealed the district administration to provide best of medical treatmentto the injured.

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