Sajad Lone hits out at NC over ‘U-turn’ on participation in delimitation exercise

Srinagar Dec 18: People’s Conference President Sajad Gani Lone on Saturday called out the National Conference’s U-turn over the stand on its participation in the J&K Delimitation Commission’s meetings.

While the NC had earlier reportedly said the participation in the delimitation commission would “tantamount to accepting the events of August 5”, its Member Parliament from south Kashmir, Justice Hasnain Masoodi on Friday hinted out at the party’s participation in the commission’s meet on December 20.

Sajad, while reacting to the development on Saturday, took to Twitter asking the party to “explain how it was endorsement to abrogation of the Article 370 then and not now”.

The PC chief also put out a statement made earlier by the NC over its stand on participation in proceedings of delimitation commission.

“Please at least have the courtesy to show even some pretense and explain how it was tantamount to endorsement then and not now. Digital world. Digital proof. Chit bhi meri patt be meri won’t work. Era of Multiple speeches Srinagar and Delhi— in multiple places is over,” Lone tweeted.

In another tweet, the PC on its official Twitter handle, wrote while referring to the NC’s earlier stand, “These are the utterances of Dr. Farooq Abdullah. What changed between then and now for the NC to now participate. Is it not tantamount to endorsing August 5 decisions now?”

“There is a limit on monopoly on morality. Please at least have the courtesy to show even some pretense and explain how it was tantamount to endorsement then and how it is not tantamount to endorsement now, ” it added.

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